Limonta is committed to information security
A path of continuous training and internal communication undertaken by the ICT department

During 2022 Limonta started a project within ERM – Enterprise Risk Management involving the Lecco headquarters located in Costa Masnaga and Garbagnate Monastero. A long path that is accompanied by continuous training, monitoring and constant updating in the field of cybersecurity. The objectives covered by the project are numerous:
• Raise awareness among employees about the risks they might face on the web;
• Prevent cyber incidents, in the workplace and in everyday life;
• Protect the information security of all the important players involved in the entire Limonta ecosystem, such as customers, suppliers and employees.
Starting from the second half of last year, to support the initiatives undertaken in the IT field, the company launched training courses for its employees, in collaboration with Tectel SA, aimed at raising awareness on the subject, informing and introducing the main online threats and knowing how to adopt the right tools to prevent them. Since the beginning of the project, more than 100 employees have completed their training course. The purpose is to promote this culture within the entire organization, becoming an integral part of all processes. The approach includes two aspects of a company: the technological part and the human part.
At the same time, to spread some good practices, an internal communication campaign has been launched, which – through new information boards, video pills and placemats for the canteen – tries to reach and raise awareness of the largest number of people. The continuation of this path will involve the updating and evolution of the entire corporate Governance side.
Limonta World